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EASN Research Webinar SENS4ICE

EASN Research Webinar SENS4ICE
EASN Research Webinar SENS4ICE NOV 2024

The European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) invited the SENS4ICE project to present "SENS4ICE Aircraft Icing Hybrid Detection Flight Demonstration Results" at the 12th EASN Research Webinar 15 NOV 2024. SENS4ICE project coordinator Carsten Schwarz detailed the novel hybrid approach for icing detection combining direct sensing (atmospheric conditions / ice accretion) with indirect techniques based on changing aircraft characteristics. Example results were presented for the two aircraft icing flight campaigns. All detection technologies performed well during the flight demonstration and generally exhibited robust and timely ice detection behaviour. Particularly the hybrid ice detection approach showed the capability to provide both early detection and a continuous monitoring of ice accretion on the aircraft. This is very promising and can allow to assess the effectiveness of ice protection systems and/or ice accretion on unprotected surfaces during flight. This may pave the way for new approaches to ensure flight safety and comply with certification requirements.

The online talk was well perceived by the numerous audience (new EASN record) and raised interest for questions and discussion. Thank you EASN for hosting this!

The presentation is available via the DLR electronic library elib: