SENS4ICE discussing aircraft icing with meteorological services and community
DWD German Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst) invited SENS4ICE to the International Icing Seminar held online on the 2nd of November 2022.
SENS4ICE contributed with three presentations:
- SENS4ICE - Aircraft Icing Detection Research (Carsten Schwarz - DLR)
- Detection and nowcasting of icing conditions based on satellite data (Alessandra Lucia Zollo - CIRA)
- Overview of DLR activities in SENS4ICE - and beyond (Tina Jurkat-Witschas DLR)
Organisations participating in the seminar included DWD, Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Austrian air navigation services provider AustroControl and GeoInfoDBw geological information service of the German armed forces Bundeswehr. The number of participants exceeded 45. The exchange was very fruitful and included sharing recent aircraft icing research activities and results and discussing upcoming SENS4ICE icing flight testing with very challenging requirements for meteorological conditions.
The presentation "SENS4ICE - Aircraft Icing Detection Research" can be consulted on the dedicated page of our website.