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SENS4ICE at SAE AC-9C Aircraft Icing Technology Committee Meeting

Ice visible on ATR 42 aircraft during a flight test in April 2023 (copyright Safire).
Ice visible on ATR 42 aircraft during a flight test in April 2023 (copyright Safire).

Latest SENS4ICE ice detection technology results including flight test data were presented on 24 October 2023 at the SAE AC-9C Aircraft Icing Technology Committee Meeting.

A general project overview with a focus on recent flight testing was provided by the project coordinator Carsten Schwarz (DLR). INTA's FOD - Fiber Optic Detector technology was presented by Miguel Gonzalez Del Val (INTA). Matt Wiebold (Honeywell) gave an overview of the Honeywell SRP - Short Range Particulate icing sensor. For the Collins IDS - Ice Detection System Matthew Hamman (Collins Aerospace) showed recent results.

Overall, the SENS4ICE ice detection technologies have been demonstrated successfully in flight tests. The presentations and technology evaluation results were perceived well by the SAE AC-9C committee and numerous questions triggered subsequent technical discussions.

The SENS4ICE consortium wishes to thank SAE and the AC-9C Committee and particularly the committee chairs for the excellent cooperation for this event and also for several previous ones!